Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween to everyone!

Hope you are all having a fun Halloween tonight. The children we have had at our door are mainly the little kids and they are so adorable and they are all polite too. There have only been about 25 though. That's about the average for us these last few years. They all go to the mall or up to the "Sky Hawk" neighborhoods.

Well, I will do my TAG from Emily so here goes:

My 8 obsessions right now!

1. My Family (checking all their blogs daily!!)

2. Get through this election and all it entails!

3. Get out of Debt

4. Our Zrii business

5. The Nativity Exhibit

6. Be better organized

7. Get the Christmas presents I'm making done.

8. Waiting for "LOST" season 5

8 words or phrases that I use often...

1. "Oh My Goodness!"

2. "Oh My Stars!"

3. "How in the world...."

4. "Awesome."

5. "Good afternoon. Thank you for calling Santa Rosa Chiropractic Neurology Center. This is Joy. How can I help you."

6. "Fantastic"

7. I have a question for you

8. I love you.

8 Things I want to do before I die...

1. Go on a cruise.

2. See a Broadway Show on Broadway!

3. Get all my pictures organized and not get behind again

4. Finish the Books of Remembrance I have waiting

5. Serve at least one full time mission with my husband

6. Ride on an elephant or a camel

7. See a Koala Bear for real

8. Travel with my husband

8 Places I want to go...(only 8?? Drat!)

1. Australia

2. Hawaii (again)

3. Norway

4. New York City

5. Disney world etc.

6. Europe

7. Zion National Park

8. Yellow Stone National Park

8 things I want or need right now!

1. A perm

2. A Pedicure

3. a Treadmill

4. An invention that will keep Bermuda Grass from my yard permanently!

5. Enough money to be debt free so Richard can retire and we can do all of the things in the last two categories.

6. TIME to accomplish all I have to do

7. The ability to bring all my family home for Christmas!

8. A new car

8 people I tag...

1. Brook (double tag)

2. Rachelle (double tag)

3. Christy

(Okay let's get some guys in this)

4. George (I doubt he'll even see this but oh Well)

5. Jeff

6. John

7. David

8. Christopher

This was much harder than I thought it would be and I got help from my honey on the "words and phrases". I'm sure those who read this could have come up with them much faster than I did.


Emily said...

I would put Awesome at the top of your phrase list! Thanks for sharing.

The Farrs said...

Hey, that was fun to read. What a nice way to learn more about a person. I don't particularly want to be tagged, but I will say that I've always wanted to learn to play bagpipes and my favorite song is Mull of Kyntire by Paul McCartney :-).