Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Forward!

Our computer is done, and I am using it speedily right now!! We love you Jim Jones! We saw him at Empty Nesters potluck FHE last night and he said we could pick it up today, so that is what I did. He put a new security system on it for us as well as cleaning it up and installing more computer memory, so we are no longer Norton users because this new system is far better. After he put it on and had taken Norton off, he ran the scan and found 130 viruses and spyware on the computer that Norton had missed! How grateful we are that we have such a good friend who is so willing to help this computer ignorant couple. The name of the new program is "Spyware Doctor". Check it out family.

This past week we had such beautiful weather. The trees are all in bloom with their pink and white blossoms. At work we have many of them in the courtyard and so the aroma is wonderful as I descend the path to work. We have been keeping the door open to let in the warm fragrant air during the day. The staff at Santa Rosa Chiropractic Neurology Center had our picture taken last Friday for the Web site so you can check it out at www.backtohealthsr.com and go under the Meet the Doctors tab and then About us. Our group picture is at the bottom of that page. I’m in the back row in the striped blouse in case you couldn’t tell. There is a plan to get us all smocks to wear and name tags so that the patients can recognize the staff easily. I am excited to "look" the part of a medical office staff.

Saturday we went to the Oakland Temple with our Stake. There was a special chapel session prior to the endowment session, which is an annual thing for our stake. We had about 185 members there. It was wonderful be with so many friends in such a spiritual place. The Spirit was very strong. It kind of gives you a feeling of what it will be like in Heaven. Chris and Emily were there with us, which made it even better. After the Temple we took them out to dinner to celebrate Emily’s Birthday, which happens to be today! It was a glorious day!

It was Ward conference for our ward yesterday. We sang in the choir, of course, and were able to sing a song that Melva had written for the occasion. Our Stake theme for the year and all Ward conferences is Alma 5:26 so that is where she got the text for the piece we sang. It is a beautiful scripture with important things for us to remember everyday. Last night was our monthly Stake Single Adult Fireside and Bishop Preston was the speaker. He chose to speak about our new Prophet, Pres. Thomas S. Monson. It was a great opportunity to learn things that I didn’t know about him before. He has certainly been prepared to be the Lord’s prophet his entire life. It was a very uplifting and edifying evening.

This week I hope to finish my part of our Tax preparation so that I can get it all to the tax man. This is my least favorite thing to do each year but when it’s done I don’t have to do it again for an entire year so that is good.

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