In August we were priviledged to have our friend Dorsey Willison and her three childlren stay with us for almost 3 weeks. Her husband is a dentist in the Air Force just beginning his assignment in Mississippi and they needed to have Lincoln start school before Dorsey moved there to join him so they all lived with us so that could happen. They were such fun and we miss them but wish them the best of life in their new adventure.
This is Lincoln watching "The Little Mermaid" before he has to go to bed. |
This is their newest little one, Juliette. Such a cutie.
She cut one of her top teeth while she was with us. |
This is Christian the two year old. He is a very sweet little fellow.
He was so polite as he would say, "Goodmorning Joy" every day when he got up. |
On August 10th, Richard and I were thrilled to be able to use Gwen's Christmas gift
to Richard... two tickets to a sporting event of his choice. He chose a Giants Game
as he knew I would love to attend with him more than a Warrior's Game or the 49er's. |
They had the World Championship trophy on display so I got a picture of it.
Sure is a beauty. We were about 10 feet from it. |
Our seats were perfect... top tier, second row, seats 1 & 2 between 3rd base and home plate. |
It was a perfect day at AT&T park. Sunny and clear with a light breeze.
You couldn't ask for better weather at a ball game.
All these "in the park" shots were taken from our seats! |
With my zoom lens on our camera I got a pretty good shot of Cody Ross (one of my favorite players)
getting ready to take a swing. It was fun being there and watching our Giant's players...
too bad they lost the game. But we enjoyed ourselves anyway. |
After the game we went to "Nick's" on Fishermans Wharf for dinner.
Good food, fun wharf atmosphere. This was our anniversary celebration dinner.
32 years of happiness as of July 21. |
After dinner we walked along the Wharf down to Ghirardelli Square for
some chocolate for my Dad's Birthday and samples for us.
Had to take a picture of the cable car on our way back to the car.
There's nothing more San Fransisco than that. |
On August 20th after our trip to the Oakland Temple, we went to my cousin Kathy's
home in the Oakland hills. It was about 12 min. from the temple. We had a wonderful
lunch with Kathy, her husband, Howard, and my Uncle Bob shown with me here. |
We so enjoyed just visiting with each other and catching up. We also went through pictures
from our past and pictures from my grandmother's life. I was thrilled to get copies of some
great pictures of my grandparents, special documents from their lives, and my uncles story
from his service in WW II. A wonderful time together with promise of more sharing of family
history to come. |
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