During the
past three months we have participated in several birthday and wedding events. It started out with our step-grandson Lucas who lives in Sebastopol. He just turned 2. He and his brother, Joshua are very close and Joshua was there to help him at every turn. It's very tender to watch the two of them together.

Later in the month I had a Joyous Occasions Birthday event for 3 year old triplets, two boys and a girl. The boys

got Mickey Mouse cakes and the girl a Cinderella

Doll cake. Many hours went into doing these.
Some dear friends of our who used to live in our ward both turned 90 this year so we were able to attend the surprise birthday party for Nettie as it was here in Santa Rosa at her favorite restaurant. The first picture shows her sweetheart Frank(standing)who's Birthday was in January and he had a party in San Francisco where they met and lived before coming to Santa Rosa.
The next picture is Nettie greeting her friends all around a very long table. She is such a dear and used to do specialty cakes too. She also always did the flowers every week for our chapel and then would give them to friends to enjoy during the week. She had an amazing garden where she grew all the flowers. She turned 90 in May. It was a very spec

ial event for us to share.

that month our dear friend Jackie Bunnell got married to her new sweetheart, Larry Wright. I was asked to do the flowers and her cake. I was so happy to do this for them as Jackie and our family go back to the very beginning. I met her before I married Richard and Richard served with her deceased husband in the Bishopric. Her husband was the Bishop. We are thrilled that Larry and Jackie found each other to be together on this earth until they can each be reunited with their departed spouses.
Jackie's son, Jordan, gave her away and her two daughters were her bridesmaids. It was a very happy day.

this last weekend was another Joyous Occasion wedding for a dear friend. Cindy Pulley, who was one of the singles in our stake single adult program, got married for the first time. We are so happy for her. She has such a sweet spirit and she is so kind. She served a mission in the same mission as our son David (Cleveland Ohio) and even stayed in the same apartment complex he did in Toledo, only she served about 15 years before he did. She was the main care giver for her mom for many years and then her mom and Dad both passed away a few years ago. We are so happy for her and her husband, Allen Eckles.
Lots of fun events enveloped in love in a short period of time. I am so glad we could be a part of them all.