The highlight of our month of march was the thrill of having two of our Utah sons and their families come out for up to a week. Brook and Dave and their almost two year old son Carter stayed with us for 7 days which was absolutely delightful. It was Spring Break for the U of U.
Dave would love to see his son play basketball so he is starting the dream now by taking his picture playing with our basketball. Go CARTER!!

Carter brought some of his favorite toys but took great pleasure in discovering that Grandma and Papa had toys for him to play with too.
He loved the beaded "roller coaster" thing and then to find his Sesame Street friends under the number 1 - 5 made him very happy.
He is very smart and talks very well. The numbers one - five he recognizes and says in or out of order.

We had the privilege of babysitting for him on the first Saturday they were here while Brook and Dave got a night out and went to the city to see "Wicked". Jeff and Rachelle and Chris and Emily were here too but I was wondering if Carter would be good or concerned in a new house and with us for the first time. Well, he was an angel. He ate a great meal and was perfect. It was such a fun evening!!

Lucas was really good too and went to bed in a room upstairs without any trouble. So when the little ones were down...we played our favorite card game..."butt Mann". Just like old times.
Sunday was a day for Brook and Dave to see some other friends and Chris and Em and Richard and I went to the Dunford's for a Birthday dinner for Rachelle's dad, Ron. We had such fun playing with Lucas. He loves this life sized puppy dog as you can see.

Monday, Jeff and Rachelle and Lucas came over and I had the time of my life feeding Lucas his rice cereal with him mom. This was his 3rd time eating. He loved it and did a very good job at eating it all. What a good boy!!

Daddy, Jeff playing with Lucas!

Mommy was playing with him here and I caught an expression worthy of a caption...but I can't think of one. It was too priceless not to post. How about you giving it a caption.....

Papa and Lucas getting to know each other.

Monday night we had a family dinner and invited Mark and Kathleen, our step-children and their cute little ones over. Here is Carter playing with our other "Lucas" grandson. They got along great and they are exactly 2 weeks apart in age.

Tuesday we went to Howarth Park here in Santa Rosa.
It is a wonderful park with lots of fun things for parents to do with their children. Brook took Carter down the slide to give him the hang of it and be sure he wouldn't get hurt by him self.

While their older son, Joshua, was in school, Mark and Kathleen brought their Lucas to the park too and we all had fun together.

Carter likes to swing, can you tell?

Papa was asking Carter for help reading his ABC book and Carter was more than happy to help Papa read ALL the letters of the Alphabet.

I think little Lucas was really enjoying the beautiful Spring weather after coming from Utah where it is much colder.

Oh those soft, sweet cheeks!!

Jeff, Rachelle, and Lucas had to go home on Thursday but
Dave, Brook and Carter were here until Saturday night. On Saturday morning I took Carter over to the Park to play. He found the slide again only this time it was a double slide so Carter and I went down it together holding hands. We did it many times and loved it each time.
He learned who "Grandma and Papa" are while he was here and now he even asks for us when he is home. What a special time we had together. Can't wait to be together again.