The First Saturday in August, our Stake President and good friend, Perry Bingham (front center) came over and told Richard that it was time for him to be released from his 8 years of service on the High Council and I was also being released with him from our 8 years of service as advisers to the Single Adults in our stake. The picture above is his last night with the High Council. It was a hard release as we both loved serving in those capacities but with change comes growth and new opportunities to serve. You will see at the end of this post where we are serving now...
The two weeks surrounding that event were very busy weeks for 4 of our sons. All four of them moved from one place to a new place. Our son John and his wife Noelle and their 5 children moved to Taylorsville Utah from our rental home in Sacramento. He got a really good job there but not until his wife and kids had already moved into their new rental home. That's a leap of Faith which accompanied with the confirmation of the Spirit was exactly what they were supposed to do. They have a lovely home there and are setteling in nicely. Our son Dave and his wife Brook with their son Carter moved from Salt Lake City into the beautiful newly fininshed 3 bedroom basement apartment of the rental home John and Noelle live in. And our son Jeff and his very pregnant wife Rachelle moved from a 2 bdrm upstairs condo to a 3 bdrm downstairs condo in their same building in Salt Lake city. It's wonderful having 3 of our sons and families so close together while Jeff and Dave finish school at U of U. They love being close and having family dinners together at least once a week. Noelle takes care of Carter when Brook is at work and Dave is at school. There's nothing like family!!!
Also the first weekend in August our son Chris and his wife Emily moved from our house in Santa Rosa to our rental home in Sacramento as he started school at ITT for his computer animation degree. Emily is still communting to Sonoma county to work but hopfully she will be able to find a job close to home when the opportunity presents itself. Chris is still looking for work in Sacramento that will fit with his school schedule.
I'm very grateful that we are staying put!!

On the 15th of August we were in Grant's Pass Oregon with Chris and Emily to celcbrate my Dad's 90th Birthday. We had a party for him with his friends from his barbarshop chorus as well as other friends. Dad has a quartet and they entertained us beautifully. You will see a couple of videos of two of their songs at the end of this post. We had a great time spending a couple of days with family. With thoughtful calculation we figured that it had been 17 years since my brother Larry, my sister Joanne, and I had all been together at the same time. We promised not to let it be so long next time.

The week after we got home from Oregon, our granddaughter, Beth and her son Jordan arrived from Austin Texas for a visit. What fun it was to spend some time with them and her Dad Steve Berry too. Jordan is a very busy little guy. He loved burying his little cars in the dirt.

They came to church with us the Sunday they were here and Chris and Emily were here that weekend too so they got to visit with them as well.

The last Saturday of the month, Richard and I went to Sacramento to do Temple work at that beautiful temple. We had been there for the sealing of John and Noelle's children but never been through a session there before. We spent a great day with Chris and Emily there and at their home seeing the fun decorating they have done to make their home their own. Family is where the real Joy of Life abides!!

We did get new callings at the end of the month. I am the new Relief Society President and Richard is the first assistant in the High Priest Group. New opportunities for us both.
Here is my Dad's quartet and one of their songs they did. I have been trying to upload a second video but it is taking forever so I think I will cancel it and try and put it in a post by itself so that I can get this one published. My Dad is on the far left and sings high tenor. My video skills are new, so when the picture isn't good...just enjoy the beautiful sound!!!
"May the Road Rise Up to Meet You"