Friday, June 18th, Richard had out-patient surgery on his right ankle to remove a bone fragment and repair a torn tendon and some ligament damage. The Doctors feel these were a result of a combination of incidents...a bad sprain ten years ago and our car accident in June of 2009. The surgery went well though it was more involved then the doctor thought it would be taking 3 hours instead of 1 1/2 hours. However she was pleased with how well it went. The top picture is him after he woke up from surgery in the recovery area and the bottom one is of his ankle in his cast.

His first morning with breakfast in bed. He wasn't going to be able to walk on his foot at all until the cast would come off and the stitches come out. He therefore only came downstairs when he absolutely had to for the first 2 1/2 weeks after the surgery and that means twice for Drs. appointments. Oh, how I remember it well. Patience is a virtue but that doesn't mean it's easy!! AT first you think...this will be cool to just lay around watching sports and the World Cup on TV and reading books and working on personal history but it doesn't take very long to wish you could be up and around like normal again. At least he had very little discomfort and I pampered him to the best of my ability.

The day after Richard's surgery, he got a package in the mail that contained a Father's day gift and this wonderful Get Well banner filled with messages of love from our Philpott family. It meant so much to him and he loved looking at it every day. You can just barely see him sitting on the bed with the poster on the wall beside him.

One lovely Tuesday, our step-daughters Gretchen (L) and Kathleen (R) came over for a nice visit. They even went down the street and bought us lunch too. This is them with Kathleen's son, Grandson Lucas #1, coming up on the bed to say "Hi" to Papa Mann and get a closer look at that cast!!

For several years our sons have been asking Richard to grow a beard or mustache and I told him this time off of work and staying home most of the time was the perfect opportunity so he agreed and began the process of NOT shaving (except his neck) This is the first picture at one week.

Look number one at 3 wks growth...BYU Dad

Look number two...Utah Dad with beard

Look number three... No glasses and his cute cap...sort of a Sean Connery look to me!!

This was the last of his full beard cause it was driving him crazy so he shaved right after these pictures. Hope our sons enjoyed it because Richard says that is it for a full beard. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the adventure...