The first thing we replaced from our accident losses was getting a new camera. How can a family with so many wonderful people in it not have a good camera. The one we had lasted long enough to take a few pictures after the accident that were in the slide show from last month but after we got home...it refused to work at all. Thank goodness for digital cameras and camera memory cards. Another tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father.
The first pictures taken were of Emily, our daughter-in-law, by her husband, Chris and then I took one of my sweetheart sitting in the living room. His head looks better than in the last pictures of him without a cap. Chris and Emily lived with us for two months between their Santa Rosa apartment and the house in Sacramento where they moved for Chris to start school in Sept.

On the 11th of July the four of us went to a premiere showing of Karos Lowder's short film he produced at BYU titled "The Space Between". It was very impressive and he shared his comments about the experience of doing that and how it is being submitted to many film festivals during the next 12 months. He is the son of good friends of ours and he is in the film making degree program at BYU. He is definately up and coming and we can say..."We knew him when."

On July 18th, Richard and I went out to our house in Sacramento to see the Philpott's one last time before their move to Utah. Noelle was very busy priming a room with Abby, and shampooing carpets. John was busy cleaning and fixing things that needed attention so we had the pleasure of babystting our 5 grandchildren. It was a very HOT day in Sacramento (about 108 *) so we stayed indoors where it was air conditioned.

We watched a few of their fun animated movies with them that we hadn't seen yet...and some of us dozed in the process.

We enjoyed playing games with them too. Here I am playing Junior Scrabble with Jenna. We had a good time.

Isaiah had fun showing Papa his musical toy.
It's amazing what toys can do these days!

Starting on the 4th of July and practically every day thereafter, I spent a lot of time talking to car dealers, test driving cars, and researching cars on line to find my "new" used car to replace my van. Well, on the 25th of July we bought this Hyundai Santa Fe. It's a small SUV and rides like a dream so my cakes and flowers will be safe. It has 36,500 miles on it and therefore has 25,000 miles left on the new car warentee. It has a very high customer satisfaction and safety rating so that is good. As you can see, it's a beautiful dark cherry red...my first red car. Hopefully we will have many good years with this one