So, I was "tagged" by Brook and I've finally taken the pictures required to fulfill that "tag" so here they are in order as was shown. The only one I don't have is my dream vacation because I haven't been there yet so I don't have a picture on my computer of where I want to go and I tried to copy and paste one from the internet and I couldn't do it here. So I guess I'll just have to tell you in the appropriate spot instead of a picture. It was a cool picture too... ENJOY!
Our closet!

My favorite Room for obvious reasons!
Okay... so my dream vacation is to NORWAY and seeing the country and fiords as well at the northern lights in the "Land of the Midnight Sun."
Our Kids "plus" (not the best quality in this format but the best I could do.)
I love to read blogs and that takes much less time than writing them. As you can see, I've jumped on the bandwagon with a new layout...thanks again my lovely daughters.
The past week has been a normal busy week with work at my three jobs...Joyous Occasions, SRSNC receptionist, and Zrii. All have been good experiences and tasks completed as well as can be. Dad has been doing his High counsel stuff and spoke in Bennett Valley ward last week. Great talk on "Follow the Prophet." Dad and I walked for "Yes" on Prop 8 again this morning and the responses of the 16 people out of the 72 townhouses we went to was about even. It gives us a small feeling for what missionaries go through every day and makes us love a appreciate their work just that much more. Go Army of the Lord!!!
Nothing really new to report from Santa Rosa. Just keep on blogging family. We love to read your adventures and see those pictures. Carter is plumping up nicely. I teach Primary again tomorrow and it is our ward's primary program so I get to sit with the kids. That will be fun. I'm looking forward to that. I also have a meeting tomorrow night with the Stake Nativity Committee. I'm a counselor in the presidency and it is that time of year to get it planned and implemented. The Theme this year is "Oh Come Let Us Adore Him". Dad and I (and hopefully the other two Manns in our family in Santa Rosa) will be in the Choir lead by Dan Earl again too. That is one of our favorite things to do every year.
It's a beautiful fall already. Weather really cool in the night and morning but quite warm to hot during the day. Love those fall colors and sunsets.