Well, American Idol just ended for tonight so while I let the voting frenzy die down a little before I vote I thought I would blog.
Saturday night we went to the final performance for the season of the symphony and all the numbers were incredible. There was a guest pianist and the entire symphony played some amazing pieces that showcased many of the individual instruments in a beautiful way. We thoroughly enjoyed it and were sorry to see it end.
Mother's day was wonderful! I've received beautiful, thoughtful cards, gifts, sentiments, and phone calls from my husband, children and grandchildren. Chris and Emily came over for the afternoon and dinner too. Thank you all so very much. Your love has enveloped me completely. I love being a MOM.
Today has been a day of lots of noise, for a day off, because our new furnace and duct system is finally installed. Yep, it was supposed to be installed last Tuesday but to our dismayandrelief it had to be postponed. Let me explain.
Last Tuesday the workmen from One Hour heating and Air came with our new furnace and took out the old one and discovered some sever problems with the duct system in the attic and the crawlspace under the house. The ducts were all wrapped in Asbestos and several of them were bent, cracked, and actually not connected to the vents where the heat should have been coming in. To our dismay, several problems from this were evident; 1) asbestos can be leaking into the air that is being heated and pumped into the house, 2) the heated air wasn't getting into some of the house vents and rooms they were in but was heating the attic area instead (which could have caused a fire, and 3) the return air duct was squashed half way and therefore the return air was partially coming from the attic and under the house instead of being recirculated from the house. Not healthy or effective. No wonder our PG & E bill was outrageous and our house never seemed to get very warm and never quickly. The long and the short of it was, a different company of specialists came on Saturday and took out all the old bad ducts from under the house and from the attic in about 4 hours. Then today between the hours of 8:30 AM and 6:30 PM all new ducts, vents, filter system, boots, a two stage 93% effective furnace, and a new digital "really cool" thermostat was installed. Our front driveway looked like something from a space movie but it sure was pretty and shinny.
The new heater has a great fan system that will circulate the air in the summer too, to help keep the air cooler all over. We are very happy and relieved that the unsafe conditions of our home (that we didn't know about but that we could see ourselves once the old furnace was removed) have been fixed and our home will be safer, healthier, and more comfortable. Yippee!!!!! (By the way family, the vent in the dining room that we were afraid someone would fall down is new and fits snuggly so no more fears!!!) However this new furnace also means it will take us longer to be able to go on our mission; but it will happen.
This week has seemed so boring because we have been so "up" this past month that now it is kind of that let down you feel right after the holidays. We had such a wonderful month last month...how could we feel any other way?......
We knew what we needed to do...so we went over to Brook and David's the night after we got back so that we could see how much Carter has changed...well he is getting a little bigger and he's still so adorable. I missed him while we were gone. That helped us cheer up :o)
Saturday night we went to a concert that was hosted by our Stake but many churches participated in the talent. The ticket price was food for the local food bank. The Gym was practically full and so they did get quite a bit of food. There were great performances ranging from Solo singers to choirs and everything in between. There was a barbershop octet group of men, a quartet "recorder" musical number, a really great guitarist that had his own rhythm accompaniment that he worked with his feet, a horn / woodwind quartet (French horn, clarinet, Base Sax, and flute) that played Gershwin selections that were really incredible just to name a few. We all clapped our hands in rhythm to many of the numbers and really enjoyed the entire evening. It lasted for 2 hours but didn't feel that long. We all mingled and talked together as we ate delicious cookies afterward. It was fun talking with new people. I hope they make this an annual event.
Yesterday I went to the DDS cause I have a tooth sensitivity and now I'm scheduled for a root Canal next week. I just got DDS insurance through Dad's work and now I get to use it. Hurray??
On to planning our next fantastic event....OUR REUNION. I can hardly wait but I need your feedback so watch your emails regularly.
We are a happily married couple of 32 years. We have 7 children, 22 grandchildren (15 boys and 7 girls), two being great-grandsons. Our happiest times of all are when we are with our family, be it one or more of them. We love living in Santa Rosa and look forward to serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the future. We hope that 2012 is the best year yet for our wonderful family.
Our new little grandson, Rowan
We have a new little grandson, Rowan, and he is very dear!
The proud new parents
Amazing birthing center! I was impressed!
I always get asked that question that you don't want to hear when you have
suffered through infertility. The question itself is not bad or even rude
it jus...
Congrats Grad
Yesterday Derek and I went with mom and Paul and Aaron to see Riki graduate
from Texas A&M. We had to get up at 6am, make the long drive, walk through
the ...
The Kiddos
I was trying to get the kids together for a cute photo that I could blow up
and hang on the wall in our toy room. I decided to go with this first one,
Funny Story
Jeff and I had just sat down in sacrament meeting, during the prelude, when
I looked up at the choir and gazed at the people on the stand. I couldn't
see o...